Countering Space-Based Weapons of Mass Destruction

Countering Space-Based Weapons of Mass Destruction

Countering Space-Based Weapons of Mass Destruction Russia’s alleged effort to develop a space-based nuclear weapon threatens to violate the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, undermine international peace and stability, and hold at risk the peaceful use of space for all...
Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State

Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State

Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State The ongoing conflicts between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah continue to raise complex questions of international law. Some of these involve issues of State responsibility, requiring an...
Attacking a Pipeline: Legal Issues for Consideration

Attacking a Pipeline: Legal Issues for Consideration

Attacking a Pipeline: Legal Issues for Consideration Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 are pipelines constructed by a Russian State-controlled company called Gazprom to transport 110 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year from the Russian Federation under the...
EU Support to Ukraine through Windfall Profits: Reparative Value, International Law, and Future Pathways

EU Support to Ukraine through Windfall Profits: Reparative Value, International Law, and Future Pathways

EU Support to Ukraine through Windfall Profits: Reparative Value, International Law, and Future Pathways Over two years into the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the fate of Russian assets frozen by Western sanctions is followed almost as closely...
The July 2023 Revision of the DoD Law of War Manual and Customary International Law

The July 2023 Revision of the DoD Law of War Manual and Customary International Law

The July 2023 Revision of the DoD Law of War Manual and Customary International Law Customary international law (CIL) is an important source of legally binding rules applicable in armed conflict. Where a party to a conflict has not ratified a key international...