Beyond Compliance Symposium – Systemic Impacts of War in Protracted Conflicts

Beyond Compliance Symposium – Systemic Impacts of War in Protracted Conflicts

Beyond Compliance Symposium – Systemic Impacts of War in Protracted Conflicts Editors’ note: This post forms part of the Beyond Compliance Symposium: How to Prevent Harm and Need in Conflict, featured across Articles of War and Armed Groups and International Law. The...
The International Criminal Court’s DPH Misinterpretation in Lubanga

The International Criminal Court’s DPH Misinterpretation in Lubanga

The International Criminal Court’s DPH Misinterpretation in Lubanga Editor’s Note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work, “Reuniting ‘Active’ and ‘Direct’ Participation: The International Criminal Court’s DPH Divorce in Lubanga,” appearing in Volume...
Gender, Conflict and the Environment: Surfacing Connections in International Humanitarian Law

Gender, Conflict and the Environment: Surfacing Connections in International Humanitarian Law

Gender, Conflict and the Environment: Surfacing Connections in International Humanitarian Law Editor’s Note: This post is based on the authors’ article, “Gender, conflict and the environment: Surfacing connections in international humanitarian law”, International...