Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State

Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State

Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State The ongoing conflicts between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah continue to raise complex questions of international law. Some of these involve issues of State responsibility, requiring an...
A Conflict in Suspense: General Close of Military Operations in the Iran-Israel Conflict

A Conflict in Suspense: General Close of Military Operations in the Iran-Israel Conflict

A Conflict in Suspense: General Close of Military Operations in the Iran-Israel Conflict In April 2024, hostilities between Israel and the Islamic Republic of Iran intensified significantly, with both sides engaging in direct military operations within each other’s...
The Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus Ad Bellum

The Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus Ad Bellum

The Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus Ad Bellum As current events so clearly demonstrate, there is no subject more fundamentally important to the maintenance of global security than that of...
Lieber Papers Series – The United States and (Most of) the Rest: A Legal Interoperability Primer

Lieber Papers Series – The United States and (Most of) the Rest: A Legal Interoperability Primer

Lieber Papers Series – The United States and (Most of) the Rest: A Legal Interoperability Primer Editors’ Note: Articles of War previously published two longer works on the subjects of States’ responses to malicious or hostile actions  and besieged forces’ legal...
The July 2023 Revision of the DoD Law of War Manual and Customary International Law

The July 2023 Revision of the DoD Law of War Manual and Customary International Law

The July 2023 Revision of the DoD Law of War Manual and Customary International Law Customary international law (CIL) is an important source of legally binding rules applicable in armed conflict. Where a party to a conflict has not ratified a key international...