The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices

The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices

The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices Editors’ note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work with Professor Michael Schmitt, “Cyberspace and the Jus ad Bellum: The State of Play” appearing...
The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare

The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare

The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare A Department of Defense (DoD) lawyer has for a client an organization with a remarkable number of dilemmas, all of which must be resolved (or at least addressed) lawfully, consistent with...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – Command Responsibility in an Era of New Weapons

In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – Command Responsibility in an Era of New Weapons

In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – Command Responsibility in an Era of New Weapons Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the...
Rules of Engagement in Large Scale Combat Operations

Rules of Engagement in Large Scale Combat Operations

Rules of Engagement in Large Scale Combat Operations As the focus of U.S. military doctrine and contingency planning shifts from counterinsurgency (COIN) campaigns toward large-scale combat operations (LSCO), Judge Advocates must anticipate changing operational law...
Regulating Military Force Series – The Meaning of Prohibited “Use of Force” in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter

Regulating Military Force Series – The Meaning of Prohibited “Use of Force” in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter

Regulating Military Force Series – The Meaning of Prohibited “Use of Force” in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter Editors’ note: The author delivered remarks on the subject of this post at the conference “International Law and the Regulation of Resort to Force:...