Crimea and the Interrelationship Between Military Occupation and Annexation

Crimea and the Interrelationship Between Military Occupation and Annexation

Crimea and the Interrelationship Between Military Occupation and Annexation Every State in the world is protected from the use of force against its sovereignty and territorial integrity. This protection and the corresponding right of self-defense, enshrined in Article...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – (Not) The Day After in Gaza

In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – (Not) The Day After in Gaza

In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – (Not) The Day After in Gaza Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant...
Hors De Combat: Clarifying the U.S. Law of War Manual

Hors De Combat: Clarifying the U.S. Law of War Manual

Hors De Combat: Clarifying the U.S. Law of War Manual The U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School instructs on international protections for the wounded and sick, one of the many aspects of the Geneva Conventions emphasized to both seasoned and new...
New Challenges and Old Problems for International Humanitarian Law

New Challenges and Old Problems for International Humanitarian Law

New Challenges and Old Problems for International Humanitarian Law This post provides some reflections based upon the experience of writing the second edition of the book International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Controversies, and Solutions to Problems Arising in...
Invisible Soldiers

Invisible Soldiers

Invisible Soldiers Images of drone strikes, hypersonic missiles, and directed energy weapons have cultivated imagination of how war might be fought in the future. Meanwhile, on-board cameras and satellites have made modern battlefields more transparent and accessible...