Responsible AI Symposium – Prioritizing Humanitarian AI as part of “Responsible AI”

Responsible AI Symposium – Prioritizing Humanitarian AI as part of “Responsible AI”

Responsible AI Symposium – Prioritizing Humanitarian AI as part of “Responsible AI” Editor’s note: The following post highlights a subject addressed at an expert workshop conducted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy focusing on Responsible AI. For a...
Technology, Humanity, and the End of War

Technology, Humanity, and the End of War

Technology, Humanity, and the End of War   The role of new technologies in targeting—including GPS-guided weapons, battle networks, collateral damage estimation methodology (CDEM), cyber, drones, and autonomous weapons—has been the focus of extensive analysis by...
Ending Wars: The Law of War’s Latest Source of Stress

Ending Wars: The Law of War’s Latest Source of Stress

Ending Wars: The Law of War’s Latest Source of Stress   The nineteenth anniversary of 9/11 offered a telling reminder of the problem of “forever wars.” In the United States, few Americans under the age of thirty can remember when the country was not involved in...