Dale Stephens,
Joanna Jarose
| Aug 30, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Cyber, Law of Armed Conflict, Space Law
The Woomera Manual and Military Space Activities and Operations The ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine has clearly demonstrated the critical role satellites in outer space play in the conduct of contemporary armed conflict. The conflict itself has been termed the first...
Christopher J. Borgen
| Jul 31, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Compliance, Cyber, Emerging Technologies, Law of Armed Conflict, Space Law, Use of Force, Weapons Law
Russia’s Alleged Nuclear Anti-Satellite Weapon: International Law and Political Rhetoric The development and testing of anti-satellite weapons (ASATs), as well as debates concerning the legal and policy implications of ASAT testing and use, have existed since soon...
Frans von der Dunk
| Jul 26, 2024 | Accountability, AoW Posts, Blog, Conflict Classification, Cyber, Law of Armed Conflict, Space Law, State Responsibility, Use of Force
Space Privateers or Space Pirates? Armed Conflict, Outer Space, and the Attribution of Non-State Activities Famously, George Clemenceau, Prime Minister of France at the end of the First World War, quipped that “generals always prepare to fight the last war, especially...
William H. Boothby
| Feb 16, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Space Law, Use of Force
Russian Nuclear Weapons in Space Recent news reports indicate that U.S. authorities fear Russia “wants to put,” a nuclear weapon into space, with U.S. intelligence describing this as a “serious security threat.” The suggested possible purpose of the weapons would be...
Matthew H. Ormsbee
| Dec 18, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Space Law, Use of Force
The Korean Space Race At the end of 2023, we enter a new phase of competition and proxy war on the Korean Peninsula in what could be dubbed the Korean Space Race. Kim Jong-un, the mercurial North Korean leader, has long prioritized placing military spy satellites over...