The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices

The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices

The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices Editors’ note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work with Professor Michael Schmitt, “Cyberspace and the Jus ad Bellum: The State of Play” appearing...
Israel’s Consent, UNIFIL, and the UN Charter

Israel’s Consent, UNIFIL, and the UN Charter

Israel’s Consent, UNIFIL, and the UN Charter When discussing UN peacekeeping, issues of international law and politics are intertwined and at times become inseparable. The issue of the political or legal nature of consent arose when the de facto Malian government...
The Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus Ad Bellum

The Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus Ad Bellum

The Virginia-Georgetown Manual Concerning the Use of Force Under International Law: Rules and Commentaries on Jus Ad Bellum As current events so clearly demonstrate, there is no subject more fundamentally important to the maintenance of global security than that of...
The ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the Occupied Palestinian Territory Twenty years after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its advisory opinion on the consequences of the Israeli Wall, the UN General Assembly asked the ICJ to issue another advisory opinion...
Space Privateers or Space Pirates? Armed Conflict, Outer Space, and the Attribution of Non-State Activities

Space Privateers or Space Pirates? Armed Conflict, Outer Space, and the Attribution of Non-State Activities

Space Privateers or Space Pirates? Armed Conflict, Outer Space, and the Attribution of Non-State Activities Famously, George Clemenceau, Prime Minister of France at the end of the First World War, quipped that “generals always prepare to fight the last war, especially...