Prof Adam Oler

Prof Adam Oler
Professor Adam Oler is Chair, Department of Security Studies and Associate Professor of National Security Strategy. He spent nearly 24 years as an Air Force judge advocate, serving as a prosecutor, defense counsel, appellate government counsel, military judge, and operations law attorney. A Joint Qualified Officer, his overseas and operational background included two tours in the Republic of Korea, and assignments as the Staff Judge Advocate at the Office of Military Cooperation—Kuwait, and Legal Advisor to the Commander, U.S. Air Forces Central Command. He spent two years as the Assistant Executive to the Judge Advocate General, and served in the Office of the Air Force Inspector General. Professor Oler wrote and directed Statecraft II, the Design and Implementation of Strategy in the Modern Era, the National War College’s principal core course on the modern instruments of power. He also helped design and lead the college’s Middle East/North Africa regional studies program, its Human Security practicum, and directs electives on the American Civil War and war crimes and strategy.
Professor Oler is co-author of A National Security Primer, National War College’s introductory text on strategic logic. In the fall of 2019, he served on detail as special assistant to the Deputy General Counsel of the Department of Defense. He received his J.D. from Stetson University College of Law, holds a bachelor’s degree in history from the New College of Florida, and is a distinguished graduate of the National War College. Professor Oler is married to Special Master Kate E. Oler of the United States Court of Federal Claims. She is also a retired Air Force colonel and judge advocate. They have two children.
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