
​The Lieber Institute seeks to increase understanding of the Law of Armed Conflict through several educational efforts. West Point cadets are involved in all aspects of the Lieber Institute’s activities and scholarly engagements. The Institute enriches cadets’ educational environment by inviting guest speakers, developing internships, participating in intercollegiate programming, and fostering travel opportunities for these future military officers. The Institute also provides educational outreach through numerous speaking engagements at colleges, law schools, and other institutions and events throughout the year.

Cadet Education 

Nested within the Department of Law at West Point, the Lieber Institute is in the unique position to provide first-class educational enrichment to future Army officers. By inviting renowned expert speakers, enabling academic exercises with civilian counterparts, facilitating internships, supervising law of armed conflict theses, and providing opportunities to attend conferences, the Lieber Institute seeks to educate and empower future combat leaders. Through its programming, Cadets are afforded a greater understanding of the complex and evolving relationship between law and warfare. 


Each year, in partnership with Emory University, West Point hosts a Law of Armed Conflict simulation exercise. West Point cadets work in teams to analyze armed conflict scenarios and apply international and domestic law. After analyzing the scenarios, cadets deliver a legal briefing to a notional commander. The event is overseen by faculty members of the West Point Department of Law and Emory University School of Law, as well as Active Duty U.S. Army Judge Advocates. Additionally, the Lieber Institute contributes to the West Point Law Department’s participation in annual Law of Armed Conflict competitions both in the United States and abroad.



Connecting with Others

Leverage our Expertise

The Lieber Institute seeks to engage in a worldwide dialogue on contemporary challenges around the law of armed conflict in the classroom and at events. Through guest lectures and other speaking engagements, Lieber Institute personnel provide an operational perspective on modern law of armed conflict issues. We believe that in promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of this body of law, a diverse and connected community of scholars, students, government and non-government practitioners, military leaders, and policymakers is essential.