Prof Julia Grignon
Prof Julia Grignon
Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law at Laval University (Canada), Julia Grignon holds a Ph.D from the University of Geneva (Switzerland). Her Ph.D thesis, which was awarded the Paul Reuter and Walther Hug Prizes and published at Schulthess/LGDJ, focused on the Temporal Scope of Applicability of International Humanitarian Law. Specialized in the Law of Armed Conflict, which has been her field of research for the past 15 years she has lead a research project relating to the extraterritorial application of International Human Rights Law in the context of external military operations and a development partnership that aims at promoting and strengthening International Humanitarian Law.
Julia Grignon has taught and supervised student academic work in all the fields of International Law pertaining to the protection of human beings (International Human Rights Law, International Refugee Law, International Criminal Law). She has authored numerous publications in peer-review journals as well as in collective works and edited the book Tribute to Jean-Pictet (Cowansville/Genève: Yvon Blais/Schulthess). She is also one of the co-authors of the Online Casebook How Does Law Protect in War? In addition to occasional teachings and/or research as a visiting professor in North America, Europe, and Africa, Julia Grignon spent a year of study and research at the Institut des droits de l’homme et de la paix of the University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar (Sénégal).
At Laval University, she co-founded and then co-directed the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Africa and the Middle East and co-directed the International Criminal and Humanitarian Law Clinic. In addition to belonging to several learned societies, she was a member of the IRSEM Scientific Council from 2016 to 2021 and has been a member of the Committee for the Jean-Pictet Competition since 2008.
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