Eugénie Duss

Eugénie Duss
Currently working with the NGO TRIAL, engaged in combating impunity, Eugénie Duss will defend her doctoral thesis on the international humanitarian law applicable to international armed conflicts by proxy in April 2023. She also holds a Certificate of advanced studies in legal professions and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Geneva, where she was awarded the prize for the best Master thesis. After several years as a research and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, Eugénie Duss undertook a research trip to Colombia where she interviewed former members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia about their past detention and territorial administration practices. Recently, she also worked as a researcher for the expert mission for Ukraine appointed by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in application of the “Moscow mechanism”. Lately, as a panelist at the 23rd edition of the Bruges Colloquium, she presented the following theme “Renewal of Occupation: Challenge of Occupation by Proxy”.
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