Dr Pavle Kilibarda

Dr Pavle Kilibarda
Pavle Kilibarda is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva. He holds a PhD in Law from the University of Geneva, an LLM from the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and a BA in International Relations from the University of Belgrade. He is currently involved with the University of Geneva’s “Counter-Terror Project: A Legal-Empirical Approach,” which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Pavle has previously worked as a Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of Geneva and the Geneva Academy, a Legal Training Associate at the International Committee of the Red Cross, and a Researcher at the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights. He has taught several courses for Boston University’s Geneva programme. His research focuses on various topics related to international humanitarian law, human rights law, and counterterrorism, but also on the creation of statehood and the recognition of States and governments under international law.
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