GPCAPT Tim Wood enlisted into the RNZAF in Aug 2016. After a brief period as Chief Legal (J09) at HQ JFNZ, he assumed the role of Assistant Director DLS Projects focusing on the LOAC training provided to NZDF personnel.
In 2018 Wood was appointed Chief of Staff DLS. With the instigation of the Government Inquiry into Op Burnham, Wood provided legal advice and subject matter expertise to the Special Inquiry Office.
In 2019 Wood returned to HQ JFNZ as J09. Significant commitments included the NZDF response to the Whakaari/White Island volcanic eruption, the Kabul NEO, assistance to the Government of the Solomon Islands, the HADR response to the volcanic eruption in Tonga, and the NZ All of Government response to COVID-19.
Wood deployed to the Republic of Korea as the Armistice Education Officer and SNR to UNCMAC-S in 2022. On his return to NZ, Wood spent a brief period at HQ JFNZ before assuming the role of Deputy Director DLS Operations and Intelligence Law with primary responsibility for the provision of legal counsel to AC SCE and CDI, and support to MoD and other units within HQ NZDF.
On 1 Aug 2023 Wood was promoted to GPCAPT and appointed NZDF Provost Marshal responsible to CDF for the provision of strategic direction and oversight of the NZDF Military Police, policing, criminal investigative and custodial capabilities.
Prior to immigrating to New Zealand, Wood served in the RAF. Commissioned in 1996 as a Legal Officer, Wood retired from the RAF on 1 Jan 15 at the rank of GPCAPT. His operational deployments included Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan. His diverse career included posts in Northern Ireland, NATO, MoD, and as Legal Adviser to JFHQ and HQ Provost and Security Service RAF.
Wood served multiple tours with the RAF and Service Prosecuting Authorities. He was the senior military member of the Iraq Historic Allegations Prosecution Team responsible for deciding on the prosecution of British personnel accused of unlawful conduct during Op TELIC.
Wood is a graduate of the UK’s Advanced Command and Staff Course 13 (2009-10). He graduated with an MA in Defence Studies. As the top student in his division, he was the first Legal Officer to command a Joint force in the culminating CPX, and was selected to CDS’s Strategic Forum. Wood also holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Masters of Law.
On arrival in New Zealand, Wood joined the Centre of Defence and Security Studies, Massey University, Wellington. He featured regularly on Radio New Zealand and online media, and published articles with a defence and security focus. His first academic publication, ‘Detainee Abuse during Op TELIC. A Few Rotten Apples?’ was published by Palgrave Macmillan in Dec 2015.
Added to the Roll of Solicitors in England & Wales in 1996, Wood was awarded his Higher Rights of Advocacy (Criminal division) in 2002. He was admitted as a Barrister & Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand in 2019.
In 2021 Wood joined the Editorial Committee of the ICRC Update of the Fourth Geneva Convention, ‘Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in the Time of War.’
He is married to Shelley Des Forges and lives in Paetūmōkai / Featherston, South Wairarapa.
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