MAJ Brian D. Green

MAJ Brian D. Green
Major Brian D. Green serves as the Chief of Space and Operations Law for Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. STARCOM’s mission is to prepare the United States Space Force to prevail in competition and conflict through innovative education, training, doctrine, and test. Major Green also serves as the primary space law instructor at the National Security Space Institute (NSSI) and the 319th Combat Training Squadron, which annually provide professional continuing education to over 7,000 select U.S. and allied personnel.
Major Green previously worked in the base legal offices at Grand Forks and Lackland, where he later served as a disability attorney and medical law consultant. After studying air and space law at McGill University, he practiced space law at 14th Air Force; taught space, operations, and international law at the Air Force Judge Advocate General’s School; and returned to the practice of space and international law at Space Operations Command. He has deployed to Iraq to work on detainee operations and to Qatar to advise on coalition air operations.
Major Green is a graduate of the Program for Emerging Leaders at National Defense University’s Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, a Blackstone Fellow with the Alliance Defending Freedom, and a member of the District of Columbia Bar. He and his lovely wife Dol have four children: Daniel, Samuel, Sophia, and Lily.
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