Sir Adam Roberts

Adam Roberts is the Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for International Studies in Oxford University’s Department of Politics and International Relations. He is also Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford University, and Emeritus Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.
He was President of the British Academy (2009-13). He is an Honorary Fellow of the London School of Economics & Political Science (1997- ), of St Antony’s College Oxford (2006- ), and of the University of Cumbria (2014- ). He has been awarded Honorary Doctorates by King’s College London (2010), Aberdeen University (2012), Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo (2012), and Bath University (2014). He is a Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2011- ), and a Member of the American Philosophical Society (2013- ). He was a member of the Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London (2002-8); member of the UK Defence Academy Advisory Board (2003-15); and member, Board of Advisers of the Lieber Institute for Law and Land Warfare, at the United States Military Academy, West Point, September 2016– .
He was born in Penrith, England, on 29 August 1940. His first degree was BA in Modern History at Oxford University (1962). His interests include mountaineering and cycling.