Daniel Linsdell
Daniel Linsdell
Daniel Linsdell is a Civil Servant in the UK Ministry of Defence. He serves as the Human Security Advisor to Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), a Strategic Reserve Corps under the direct command of SACEUR. He is responsible for advising on the integration of NATO’s Human Security and Women, Peace and Security agendas into planning and operations. He advises on minimising or avoiding the risk and threats to civilians and civilian objects from incidental harm, and anticipating and preventing the perpetration of organised harm, violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation of civilians by adversaries.
Before serving with the ARRC, Daniel was the Programme Lead for the Refugee Transitions Outcomes Fund (RTOF) at the UK Home Office’s Refugee Resettlement and Integration Unit. Overseeing a £14 million cross-government program, he commissioned refugee integration services including employment, language acquisition, housing, and community-building support, and utilised innovative commercial approaches to improve outcomes for refugees and foster partnerships across the refugee sector.
During his tenure as Data Science and Analytics Lead with Defence Digital in the UK Ministry of Defence, and as a Visiting Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, Daniel contributed to the advancement of AI and analytics in defense and national security contexts, and pioneered partnerships with the Alan Turing Institute.
Other assignments include working on the policy reform of protective measures for Locally Employed Civilians supporting British forces in Afghanistan, and asylum casework examining applications for international protection under the Refugee Convention while ensuring effective immigration control.
Daniel earned a Bachelor of Law from the University of Durham, UK. He also holds a Master of Science in Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development from the University of Bath, UK. He is a Visiting Fellow at the School of Law, University of Reading, UK.
All views are his own and do not represent the views of NATO or the UK Ministry of Defence.
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