Prof Eliav Lieblich

Prof Eliav Lieblich
Eliav Lieblich is a Professor of Law at the Buchmann Faculty of Law at Tel-Aviv University. Lieblich teaches and researches public international law, with a focus on the laws on the use of force, just war theory, international humanitarian law, and the history and theory of international law. He has held visiting professorships at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and Columbia Law School, and has taught at the European University Institute’s Academy of European Law.
Lieblich is the author of the monograph International Law and Civil Wars: Intervention and Consent, and co-author of Occupation in International Law (with Eyal Benvenisti). His scholarship was published, among others, in the European Journal of International Law, the British Yearbook of International Law and the Hastings Law Journal. Lieblich is also general editor of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, and is co-editor of Elgar’s forthcoming Research Handbook of International Legal Theory and War (with Tom Dannenbaum).
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