Prof Jennifer Trahan

Prof Jennifer Trahan
Jennifer Trahan is Clinical Professor of Global Affairs at N.Y.U. and Director of its Concentration in International Law and Human Rights. She also serves as Convenor, of The Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression. She has published scores of law review articles and book chapters including on the International Criminal Court’s crime of aggression. Her book, “Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes” (Cambridge University Press 2020) was awarded the “2020 ABILA Book of the Year Award” by the American Branch of the International Law Association. She serves as one of the US representatives to the Use of Force Committee of the International Law Association and holds various positions with the American Branch, including Vice President. She also served as amicus curiae to the International Criminal Court on the appeal of the situation regarding Afghanistan and on the Council of Advisers on the Application of the Rome Statute to Cyberwarfare. Recently, she has been serving as a special adviser to states and others on the creation of a standalone-aggression specific tribunal for the situation of Ukraine.
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