Marco Chol Ayat

Marco Chol Ayat
Marco Chol Ayat is a South Sudanese lawyer and researcher, a legal advisor at the International Committee of the Red Cross at South Sudan delegation. He holds a MSC degree in international Humanitarian Affairs from the University of York, in the UK; a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (IHL) from the University of Khartoum, and a Bachelor of Laws from University of Khartoum. He has a significant experience in law career, ranging from law practice as an advocate in both the Sudan and South Sudan, and then shifting to international law with focus on IHL. His research interests include IHL, International Human Rights Law and the nexus between international law and customary practices. As a legal advisor at ICRC, Marco has extensive experience in the national implementation of IHL in South Sudan and other different African contexts. For almost a decade, He is closely in charge of organizing and conducting the following IHL activities; thematic discussion, public lecture, teachers training, students moot court, essay competitions, providing expert opinions and blogs writing. He is reachable at cmarco [at] icrc [dot] org.
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