Dr Martin Faix

Dr Martin Faix
Martin Faix is the Head of the Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law and the Vice-Dean for International Affairs of the Faculty of Law, Palacký University.
Martin studied law (Masters´ in Law) and international law (Masters´ in International Law) in Giessen, Germany and Brisbane, Australia. In 2011, he completed his PhD with a thesis on international law aspects of EU´s military operations at the Charles University in Prague. Before joining in 2007 the Palacký University Faculty of Law, Martin worked as lecturer at the Chair for European Law and Transition Studies (prof. Mahulena Hofmann) at the University of Giessen, Germany. Besides teaching in Olomouc and Prague, he was invited speaker at various universities (France, Luxembourg, Brazil, Colombia and South Africa). Martin was awarded a number of scholarships (German Federal Scholarship, Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship, International Visegrad Fund Scholarship). Martin appears regularly on media (Czech TV, Czech Radio, various newspapers) as expert on international law.
Martin´s research interests include general international law, international institutional law, human rights, law on the use of force and law of armed conflict. He developed and broadened his knowledge of international law by participating in several activities, including the UN International Law Seminar (Geneva, Switzerland), the Venice Academy of Human Rights (Venice, Italy), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany) or internships with various institutions (Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations, New York; Australian Red Cross, Queensland Branch, Brisbane).
For several years, Martin has been a member of the European Society of International Law and the Czech Society of International Law. He acted as co-author of national reports for the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, he was a substitute expert for Czech Republic within the Network on Free Movement of Workers in the EU and in the period of 2015 – 2020 he served as alternate member for the Czech Republic of the Management Board of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. Currently, he is member of the Center for Human Rights of the Charles University in Prague (since 2012).
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