Prof Michael Kelly

Prof Michael Kelly
Professor Kelly holds the Sen. Allen A. Sekt Endowed Chair in Law at Creighton University School of Law, where he directs the law school’s highly-ranked international criminal law summer school program in Nuremberg and The Hague. He currently serves as co-Chair of the American Bar Association’s Task Force on Internet Governance, as Corresponding Editor of the American Society of International Law’s flagship publication International Legal Materials (Cambridge University Press), and as a member of the Board of Directors of L’Association International du Droit Pénal—a Paris-based society of international criminal law scholars, judges, and attorneys founded in 1924 that enjoys consultative status with the United Nations.
He has testified in Congress on America’s Cuba policy with respect to the embargo and his expertise has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Associated Press among other media outlets. His most recent book on the subject is the Cuba-U.S. Bilateral Relationship: New Pathways & Policy Choices (Oxford University Press 2019). Professor Kelly’s newest study, “Quiescent Sovereignty of U.S. Territories,” is forthcoming in the next volume of the Marquette Law Review.
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