LTC Mickaël Dupenloup

LTC Mickaël Dupenloup
Lieutenant Colonel Mickaël Dupenloup is a legal adviser within the French armed forces. As such, he successively served within the French Air Force, the French Joint Space Command, and the Legal Affairs Directorate of the French ministry for the armed forces. Lieutenant Colonel Dupenloup has extensive experience in operational law matters advising commanders in special operations and conventional units at the tactical to strategic levels. Over the last fifteen years, he was deployed in Afghanistan, in Germany, in Italy, in Chad, in Qatar, in Kuwait and in Mali where he advised on the law of armed conflict, human rights law and air and space targeting operations.
Lieutenant Colonel Dupenloup also actively engages in teaching and research on international law, including as Visiting Professor of Law at the Institute of Space and Telecommunications Law in Paris for many years and as a lecturer in NATO Centers of excellence and International Red Cross and Red Crescent related bodies. From 2015, he got involved into the writing of two manuals on international law applicable to military space operations: the MILAMOS manual (from 2015 to 2018) and the Woomera manual (from 2018). At a domestic level, he participated in the drafting of a number of referencing policy documents: the French statement on how international law applies to cyber operations; the French space defense strategy; and the French manual on law of military operations.
Lieutenant Colonel Dupenloup graduated from the French war college.
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