Prof Natia Kalandarishvili-Mueller

Prof Natia Kalandarishvili-Mueller
Natia Kalandarishvili-Mueller, a dual national of Georgia and Switzerland, is a professor of international law at ALTE University in Tbilisi, Georgia, where she teaches public international law and international humanitarian law. She is the author of Occupation and Control in International Humanitarian Law (Routledge, 2021).
In 2023, Prof. Kalandarishvili-Mueller was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Swedish Defence University, Center for International and Operational Law in Stockholm, under the scheme of EU Grant for Georgian Scholars, researching the inter-application of humanitarian law, human rights law and international criminal law in the context of sieges. Since 2008, Natia has been teaching international humanitarian law at Tbilisi State University, International Law Institute (ILI), at both BA and LLM levels, delivering lectures and seminars alike in Georgian and English.
Prior to joining academia, Natia worked as a Chief Legal Specialist in International Law at the Office of the State Ministry for Reintegration of Georgia (currently the State Ministry for Reconciliation and Civic Equality), where she dealt with issues related to international humanitarian law. She holds a Law Degree from Tbilisi State University, an LLM in IHL from the Geneva Academy, and a PhD in Law from the University of Essex.
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