Dr Sigrid Redse Johansen

Dr Sigrid Redse Johansen
Sigrid Redse Johansen is the Judge Advocate General (generaladvokat) for the Norwegian Armed Forces. As such she is also head of the Norwegian Military Prosecution Authority and answers directly to the Ministry of Justice in administrative matters. The Norwegian Military Prosecution Authority is responsible for handling military criminal cases, advising military commanders in summary punishment cases and in general supervising the conduct of summary punishments in The Norwegian Armed Forces. Other relevant tasks, such as consultative advice on matters concerning Military Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA) and legal issues concerning enforcement of the Law of Armed Conflict (International Humanitarian Law) violations, are conducted as well.
Redse Johansen has previously been working as a special advisor to the Norwegian Special Operations Command, and as an associate professor and lecturer in international and operational law at the Norwegian Defence Command and Staff College for more than ten years. At the Staff College she has been responsible for teaching programmes in the Law of Armed Conflict, for all levels of command in the Norwegian Armed Forces. She has also practiced for years as an attorney at law acting as a defence counsel for the accused in criminal cases.
Redse Johansen has published a number of articles and books within the field of the Law of Armed Conflict and on national emergency preparedness law. She has a PhD in international law from the University of Oslo, where she wrote about the military commander’s assessment of military necessity during conduct of hostilities. The PhD was written under the supervision of professor Yoram Dinstein and is published by Cambridge University Press (The Military Commander’s Necessity: The Law of Armed Conflict and its Limits, 2019).
Sigrid Redse Johansen has been a member of the Ethical Council for the Norwegian Defence Sector, and a member of other Groups of Experts within the field of the Law of Armed Conflict.
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