Stephen Wilkinson

Stephen Wilkinson
Stephen Wilkinson, the Director of the IHL Centre at Diakonia, is an experienced international lawyer specializing in international humanitarian law and human rights. His experience includes working for UN Agencies, INGOs, and academic institutions such as Harvard University and the Geneva Academy. In addition, he has produced several publications relating to fact finding, investigations, and standards of proof.
The IHL Centre is an independent expert group that provides rapid and in-depth legal advice to the humanitarian sector. They currently provide legal analysis on over 14 conflict affected contexts around the world. The Centre runs an IHL advisory and help desk service, providing advice and analysis to a range of UN bodies, international and national NGOs, government and parliamentary actors, and international media. They have recently started the development of a new project, funded by ECHO and Sida on the development of global IHL monitoring standards for humanitarian advocacy.
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