Dr Samuel White

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Dr Samuel White

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Dr Samuel C. Duckett White is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide; as well as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of New England and Visiting Fellow at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Samuel has served as both a Royal Australian Infantry Corps and an Australian Army Legal Corps officer in a variety of tactical, operational and strategic level postings. 

In 2018, he served as Associate to the Honourable Justice John Logan RFD  of the Federal Court of Australia, Supreme & National Courts of Papua New Guinea, and President of the Defence Force Discipline Appeals Tribunal. From this experience, Samuel has had a distinct focus on legal history, as well as administrative, constitutional and public law. He is admitted to practice as a Solicitor in the State of Queensland and before the High Court of Australia; as well as a Barrister and Solicitor in New Zealand. In 2021, he was recognised by the International Committee of the Red Cross as an ‘Emerging Voice’ for his scholarship in international humanitarian law.

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