CDR Timothy Boyle

CDR Timothy Boyle
Commander Timothy Boyle is a post-graduate student at the U.S. Naval War College and formerly the Chief of National Security Law at U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. Prior tours include assignments as the Deputy Staff Judge Advocate at Naval Special Warfare Development Group; Deputy Fleet Judge Advocate/Chief of National Security Law at U.S Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. FOURTH Fleet; Staff Judge Advocate for U.S. Naval Activities Spain; and Deputy Fleet Judge Advocate/Chief of National Security Law at U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. FIFTH Fleet in Bahrain. CDR Boyle has deployed as a Joint Task Force Staff Judge Advocate in support of combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Yemen, earning recognition from U.S. Special Operations Command as the top legal advisor to special operations forces in 2015. Recently he was awarded the Serge Lazareff Prize from NATO for his work on counter-lawfare. He holds a law degree from the University of Miami and a master’s degree in national security law from the University of Virginia.
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