Dr Samuel White

White Bio Photo

Dr Samuel White

Thematic Editor

Dr Samuel White is an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore, where he is the Senior Research Fellow in Peace and Security at the Centre for International Law. He holds titles as Visiting Fellow at the Australian Defence Force Academy and the Army Fellow at the Australian War Memorial.

Samuel has served as both a Royal Australian Infantry Corps and an Australian Army Legal Corps officer in a variety of tactical, operational and strategic level postings. His military experiences focused his doctoral studies, which addressed whether Federal military forces can intervene unilaterally in State affairs. Whist writing his PhD, he concurrently published his first monograph, Keeping the Peace of the Realm (LexisNexis, 2021). He is the editor of another multi-volume series, called The Laws of Yesterday’s Wars (Brill Nijhoff) which critically questions how international the laws of war are. This arose from his military service, and later work as a Senior Legal Officer in the Office of International Law, Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.

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