Al Hassan Symposium – (Re) Introduction

Al Hassan Symposium – (Re) Introduction

Al Hassan Symposium – (Re) Introduction In July of 2023, Articles of War and Armed Groups and International Law jointly launched a series of posts covering the forthcoming trial judgment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Prosecutor v. Al Hassan. The case...
Al Hassan Symposium – Complicity in Torture and the ICC

Al Hassan Symposium – Complicity in Torture and the ICC

Al Hassan Symposium – Complicity in Torture and the ICC The following post by Michel Paradis focuses on the legal issues the ICC’s Trial Chamber should reexamine in making its final judgment, specifically whether Al Hassan’s credible allegations of torture...
Al Hassan Symposium – Gendered Crime as a Central Focus in the ICC’s Al-Hassan Case

Al Hassan Symposium – Gendered Crime as a Central Focus in the ICC’s Al-Hassan Case

Al Hassan Symposium – Gendered Crime as a Central Focus in the ICC’s Al-Hassan Case The following post by Valerie Oosterveld and Nicole Dotson focuses on gendered crime as a central focus in the ICC’s Al Hassan case. The post was published on the Armed Groups and...
Al Hassan Symposium – The War Crime of Sentencing or Execution without Due Process in the Al Hassan Case: The Interpretative Pitfalls Hidden in the Application of the Crime

Al Hassan Symposium – The War Crime of Sentencing or Execution without Due Process in the Al Hassan Case: The Interpretative Pitfalls Hidden in the Application of the Crime

Al Hassan Symposium – The War Crime of Sentencing or Execution without Due Process in the Al Hassan Case: The Interpretative Pitfalls Hidden in the Application of the Crime The following post by Diletta Marchesi focuses on the most important interpretative pitfalls...
The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification?

The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification?

The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification? On June 26, 2024, Trial Chamber X of the International Criminal Court (ICC) finally delivered its judgment in the Al Hassan case. The defendant, Mr. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul...