The Silent Service: The Law of Armed Conflict’s Blind Spots Regarding Modern Submarine Warfare

The Silent Service: The Law of Armed Conflict’s Blind Spots Regarding Modern Submarine Warfare

The Silent Service: The Law of Armed Conflict’s Blind Spots Regarding Modern Submarine Warfare Submarines play a critical role in warfare due to their stealth, speed, endurance, and firepower. These attributes make them the “queens of the chessboard” in naval strategy...
I Spy: Espionage, Perfidy, and Fighting in the Shadows

I Spy: Espionage, Perfidy, and Fighting in the Shadows

I Spy: Espionage, Perfidy, and Fighting in the Shadows In a 2024 Articles of War post, I identified that intelligence gathering, including espionage, is authorized by both treaty and customary international law during armed conflict. For international armed conflicts,...
The Presumption of Civilian Status in Cases of Doubt: A Vital Rule in Increasingly Unsettled Times

The Presumption of Civilian Status in Cases of Doubt: A Vital Rule in Increasingly Unsettled Times

The Presumption of Civilian Status in Cases of Doubt: A Vital Rule in Increasingly Unsettled Times Editors’ note: This post is drawn from the authors’ article-length work, “Pro patria mori: When States Encourage Civilian Involvement in Armed Conflict” appearing in the...
If the “Why” of War Shapes the “How” of Law, Who is Accountable?

If the “Why” of War Shapes the “How” of Law, Who is Accountable?

If the “Why” of War Shapes the “How” of Law, Who is Accountable? The ongoing armed conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza illustrate the dangerous consequences of conflating jus ad bellum and jus in bello. This conflation risks undermining the universality of international...
Year Ahead – U.S. Department of Defense and Space Force Commercial Space Strategies

Year Ahead – U.S. Department of Defense and Space Force Commercial Space Strategies

Year Ahead – U.S. Department of Defense and Space Force Commercial Space Strategies Editors’ note: We are pleased to announce that Articles of War has recently added several thematic editors to our staff. Each editor has contributed a post to this year’s Year...