Environment and Consequence: Legal Practice and Risk in Jungle Operations

Environment and Consequence: Legal Practice and Risk in Jungle Operations

Environment and Consequence: Legal Practice and Risk in Jungle Operations To our men, British or Indian, the jungle was a strange, fearsome place; moving and fighting in it was a nightmare. We were too ready to classify jungle as “impenetrable” . . . to us it appeared...
Ukraine Symposium – Oil Tankers as “Environmental Time Bombs,” or Not

Ukraine Symposium – Oil Tankers as “Environmental Time Bombs,” or Not

Ukraine Symposium – Oil Tankers as “Environmental Time Bombs,” or Not Last month, Russian forces used two anti-ship missiles to target an abandoned cargo tanker adrift in the northern Black Sea. The vessel was loaded with around 600 tons of diesel...
The ILC Draft Principles on Protection of the Environment in Armed Conflict

The ILC Draft Principles on Protection of the Environment in Armed Conflict

The ILC Draft Principles on Protection of the Environment in Armed Conflict Introduction After almost a decade working on the topic “Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts” (PERAC), the UN International Law Commission (ILC) adopted on second...