Retaliation, Retribution, and Punishment and International Law

Retaliation, Retribution, and Punishment and International Law

Retaliation, Retribution, and Punishment and International Law On April 13, Iran launched a massive missile and drone attack on Israel. Hezbollah and Houthi attacks took place contemporaneously. Israel, alongside forces from France, the United Kingdom, the United...
Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions

Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions

Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions On March 1, Nicaragua instituted proceedings against Germany before the International Court of Justice (Alleged Breaches of Certain International Obligations in respect of the Occupied Palestinian Territory). In its...
Hors De Combat: Clarifying the U.S. Law of War Manual

Hors De Combat: Clarifying the U.S. Law of War Manual

Hors De Combat: Clarifying the U.S. Law of War Manual The U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School instructs on international protections for the wounded and sick, one of the many aspects of the Geneva Conventions emphasized to both seasoned and new...
New Challenges and Old Problems for International Humanitarian Law

New Challenges and Old Problems for International Humanitarian Law

New Challenges and Old Problems for International Humanitarian Law This post provides some reflections based upon the experience of writing the second edition of the book International Humanitarian Law: Rules, Controversies, and Solutions to Problems Arising in...
Joining in Wars

Joining in Wars

Joining in Wars Editor’s note: This post draws on the author’s paper with Miles Jackson and Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, “Identifying co-parties to armed conflict in international law: How states, international organizations and armed groups become parties to war” (2024)...