Designing for Reasonableness: The Algorithmic Mediation of Reasonableness in Targeting Decisions

Designing for Reasonableness: The Algorithmic Mediation of Reasonableness in Targeting Decisions

Designing for Reasonableness: The Algorithmic Mediation of Reasonableness in Targeting Decisions Developments on current battlefields are proving that algorithmic decision-support systems are not a distant future, but a reality that military and civilian populations...
Regulating Military Force Series – Rhetoric and Warfare in the Age of Rights

Regulating Military Force Series – Rhetoric and Warfare in the Age of Rights

Regulating Military Force Series – Rhetoric and Warfare in the Age of Rights Editors’ note: The author delivered remarks on the subject of this post at the conference “International Law and the Regulation of Resort to Force: Exhaustion, Destruction, Rebirth?” at the...
Multi-Domain Operations: Closing the Eighteenth Capability Gap

Multi-Domain Operations: Closing the Eighteenth Capability Gap

Multi-Domain Operations: Closing the Eighteenth Capability Gap After emerging from decades of counterinsurgency (COIN) operations, the Army identified seventeen capability gaps in its conventional warfighting capacity. Certainly, the doctrine and policies associated...
Lieber Studies Big Data Volume – Algorithms of Care: Military AI, Digital Rights, and the Duty of Constant Care

Lieber Studies Big Data Volume – Algorithms of Care: Military AI, Digital Rights, and the Duty of Constant Care

Lieber Studies Big Data Volume – Algorithms of Care: Military AI, Digital Rights, and the Duty of Constant Care Editors’ note: This post is based on the authors’ chapter in Big Data and Armed Conflict (Laura Dickinson and Ed Berg eds. 2024), the ninth volume of the...
Yoram Dinstein (1936-2024)

Yoram Dinstein (1936-2024)

Yoram Dinstein (1936-2024) Editors’ note: This post honors Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. Over the coming weeks, Articles of War will feature a series of posts to recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant...