John C. Tramazzo,
Ian Santicola
| Sep 11, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Compliance, Law of Armed Conflict, Law of Neutrality
Russia’s Interdiction of Neutral Merchant Vessels and the Law of the Sea On August 12, 2023, the Russian patrol ship Vasily Bykov intercepted the Turkish-owned, Palau-flagged merchant ship Sukru Okan in the Black Sea between its point of embarkation in Chalkis, Greece...
Raul (Pete) Pedrozo
| Aug 25, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Compliance, Law of Armed Conflict, Targeting
Russia-Ukraine War at Sea: Naval Blockades, Visit and Search, and Targeting War-Sustaining Objects On February 24, 2022, Russia’s Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport (Rosmorrechflot) announced the suspension of navigation in the Sea of Azov “until...
Himanil Raina
| Aug 7, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict, Law of Neutrality, Targeting
Merchant Shipping as Military Objectives and Naval Economic Warfare On July 17, 2023, within 48 hours of the suspension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Russia and Ukraine made pivotal declarations potentially expanding the scope of their hostilities to a hitherto...
Raul (Pete) Pedrozo
| Jul 26, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict, Law of Neutrality
Can the Black Sea Grain Initiative Continue Without Russian Participation? On July 17, 2023, the Black Sea Grain Initiative expired after Russia refused to extend the term of the UN-brokered accord that has “facilitated the export of more than 30 million tonnes of...
Marten Zwanenburg,
Arjen Vermeer
| Jul 19, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Compliance, Law of Armed Conflict, Law of Neutrality, Ukraine-Russia Symposium
Ukraine Symposium – Transfers of POWs to Third States Introduction On 9 June 2023, media reported that Hungary received eleven Ukrainian Prisoners of War (POWs) from Russia. More than a week later, Reuters reported that three of these persons had been repatriated to...