The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare

The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare

The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare A Department of Defense (DoD) lawyer has for a client an organization with a remarkable number of dilemmas, all of which must be resolved (or at least addressed) lawfully, consistent with...
Rules of Engagement in Large Scale Combat Operations

Rules of Engagement in Large Scale Combat Operations

Rules of Engagement in Large Scale Combat Operations As the focus of U.S. military doctrine and contingency planning shifts from counterinsurgency (COIN) campaigns toward large-scale combat operations (LSCO), Judge Advocates must anticipate changing operational law...
AWS Legal Review Series – Inclusion of Quasi-Legal Considerations

AWS Legal Review Series – Inclusion of Quasi-Legal Considerations

AWS Legal Review Series – Inclusion of Quasi-Legal Considerations This post appears as part of a series on the legal review of autonomous weapon systems. An introductory post by Professors Rain Liivoja and Sean Watts provides an overview of the series. At an Expert...
Multi-Domain Operations: Closing the Eighteenth Capability Gap

Multi-Domain Operations: Closing the Eighteenth Capability Gap

Multi-Domain Operations: Closing the Eighteenth Capability Gap After emerging from decades of counterinsurgency (COIN) operations, the Army identified seventeen capability gaps in its conventional warfighting capacity. Certainly, the doctrine and policies associated...
The New U.S. Department of Defense Instruction on Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response

The New U.S. Department of Defense Instruction on Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response

The New U.S. Department of Defense Instruction on Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response On August 25, 2022, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III approved and released the Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan (CHMR-AP)—an action plan that creates new...