Ukraine Symposium – Counternormativity and the International Order

Ukraine Symposium – Counternormativity and the International Order

Ukraine Symposium – Counternormativity and the International Order Aspects of the shifting world order were recently addressed during The George Washington International Law Review’s 2022 Symposium, “The State of the Nation-State in International Law,” where...
Counterterrorism, Investigative Detention, and the New Global Security Environment

Counterterrorism, Investigative Detention, and the New Global Security Environment

Counterterrorism, Investigative Detention, and the New Global Security Environment The images of Afghan civilians clinging to crowded military planes departing Afghanistan as the Taliban reclaimed Kabul are the iconic indicia of a tectonic shift in the global security...
Battlefield Detention, Counterterrorism, and Future Conflicts

Battlefield Detention, Counterterrorism, and Future Conflicts

Battlefield Detention, Counterterrorism, and Future Conflicts Editor’s note: The following post is part of the Articles of War Symposium on Beth Van Schaack’s book, Imagining Justice for Syria. The symposium offers a platform for the contributing experts to carry the...