Year Ahead – The Coming Year’s Evolution in the Law of Cyber Operations

Year Ahead – The Coming Year’s Evolution in the Law of Cyber Operations

Year Ahead – The Coming Year’s Evolution in the Law of Cyber Operations Editors’ note: We are pleased to announce that Articles of War has recently added several thematic editors to our staff. Each editor has contributed a post to this year’s Year Ahead series with...
Vessels of War

Vessels of War

Vessels of War How can vessels be used in war? Are rights and obligations vested in armed forces personnel or in the naval platforms themselves? Combatancy in land warfare is fairly straightforward. Persons sanctioned by and under the control of a State have...
A Policy Approach for Addressing the “Cyber Attacks” and “Data as an Object” Debates

A Policy Approach for Addressing the “Cyber Attacks” and “Data as an Object” Debates

A Policy Approach for Addressing the “Cyber Attacks” and “Data as an Object” Debates Among the issues examined at this week’s International Society of Military Law and the Law of War’s annual Silent Leges Inter Arma? (In Times of War, the Law Falls Silent?) Conference...