Dan E. Stigall
| May 22, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict, Policy
The EWIPA Declaration and U.S. Efforts to Minimize Civilian Harm From April 22-24, 2024, representatives from more than 90 countries met in Norway for the Oslo Conference on the Political Declaration, the first international follow-up conference to review the...
Ronald Alcala
| May 20, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict, Targeting, Weapons Law
Caltrop: An Ancient Weapon in Modern Warfare Recent reports indicate that Ukraine has modified drones to deliver and disperse a weapon of ancient design in its fight against Russia. The weapon, known as a caltrop, is a spiked device that can be strewn in large...
Geoff Corn,
Emanuela-Chiara Gillard
| May 15, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict
The War Crime of Starvation – The Irony of Grasping at Low Hanging Fruit Rumours surrounding possible International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants in the Situation in the State of Palestine have raised several important legal, procedural and political questions....
Zachary Orr
| May 14, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Cyber, Law of Armed Conflict
Cyber Attack War Crimes and Ntaganda Editor’s note: This post is based on a portion of the author’s work, “Addressing Unlawful Cyber Operations in Armed Conflict Through Human Rights Bodies Instead of the International Criminal Court,” published at 57 Vanderbilt...
Michael N. Schmitt
| May 13, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, In Honor of Yoram Dinstein, Law of Armed Conflict, Use of Force
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – (Not) The Day After in Gaza Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant...