Dale Stephens,
Joanna Jarose
| Aug 30, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Cyber, Law of Armed Conflict, Space Law
The Woomera Manual and Military Space Activities and Operations The ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine has clearly demonstrated the critical role satellites in outer space play in the conduct of contemporary armed conflict. The conflict itself has been termed the first...
Christopher J. Borgen
| Jul 31, 2024 | AoW Posts, Blog, Compliance, Cyber, Emerging Technologies, Law of Armed Conflict, Space Law, Use of Force, Weapons Law
Russia’s Alleged Nuclear Anti-Satellite Weapon: International Law and Political Rhetoric The development and testing of anti-satellite weapons (ASATs), as well as debates concerning the legal and policy implications of ASAT testing and use, have existed since soon...
Hitoshi Nasu
| Sep 6, 2022 | AoW Posts, Blog, Law of Armed Conflict
“The Eye in Space”: ICEYE’s SAR Satellites and the Law of War Private companies play a significant role in shaping and sustaining the military’s warfighting capabilities. The space industry is no exception and their over-sized ability to dictate battlefield conditions...