Beyond Compliance Symposium – Redressing Civilian Harm and Going Beyond IHL Compliance

Beyond Compliance Symposium – Redressing Civilian Harm and Going Beyond IHL Compliance

Beyond Compliance Symposium – Redressing Civilian Harm and Going Beyond IHL Compliance Editors’ note: This post forms part of the Beyond Compliance Symposium: How to Prevent Harm and Need in Conflict, featured across Articles of War and Armed Groups and International...
Regaining Perspective on the Law of Armed Conflict

Regaining Perspective on the Law of Armed Conflict

Regaining Perspective on the Law of Armed Conflict As I noted in my “2024 Year Ahead” post, I am worried that the law of armed conflict (LOAC) faces an array of threats to its application on the battlefield and beyond. The post set out five that I find especially...
ISIS Detentions in Syria and the Responsibility of Supporting States

ISIS Detentions in Syria and the Responsibility of Supporting States

ISIS Detentions in Syria and the Responsibility of Supporting States While the world’s attention is focused on the hostilities in Gaza and Ukraine, the conflict against ISIS in Syria and Iraq continues. Although out of the headlines, coalition forces led by the United...
Diversification of Civilian Agency: An Accountability Perspective

Diversification of Civilian Agency: An Accountability Perspective

Diversification of Civilian Agency: An Accountability Perspective Several recent developments have challenged the traditionally assumed passivity of civilians in armed conflict. Most notable are calls to participate in a volunteer IT army, the facilitation of an app...
Reprisals Against Enemy Civilians, the Object and Purpose of Additional Protocol I, and the United Kingdom’s Reservation

Reprisals Against Enemy Civilians, the Object and Purpose of Additional Protocol I, and the United Kingdom’s Reservation

Reprisals Against Enemy Civilians, the Object and Purpose of Additional Protocol I, and the United Kingdom’s Reservation Editors’ note: This post considers one aspect of an article recently published by the author in The Military Law and the Law of War Review. It does...