The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification?

The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification?

The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification? On June 26, 2024, Trial Chamber X of the International Criminal Court (ICC) finally delivered its judgment in the Al Hassan case. The defendant, Mr. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul...
Al Hassan Symposium – Petite Sardine or Big Fish? Rebel Governance and the ICC Al Hassan Trial

Al Hassan Symposium – Petite Sardine or Big Fish? Rebel Governance and the ICC Al Hassan Trial

Al Hassan Symposium – Petite Sardine or Big Fish? Rebel Governance and the ICC Al Hassan Trial On 25 May, the Defence finished their closing statements in the Al Hassan case at the International Criminal Court (ICC). The case relates to acts committed during the nine...