Al Hassan Symposium – (Re) Introduction

Al Hassan Symposium – (Re) Introduction

Al Hassan Symposium – (Re) Introduction In July of 2023, Articles of War and Armed Groups and International Law jointly launched a series of posts covering the forthcoming trial judgment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Prosecutor v. Al Hassan. The case...
Criminal Groups as Parties to Non-International Armed Conflicts: The Standard of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador

Criminal Groups as Parties to Non-International Armed Conflicts: The Standard of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador

Criminal Groups as Parties to Non-International Armed Conflicts: The Standard of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador Editors’ note: This post builds upon the authors’ article-length work, “Is Ecuador Facing a Non-International Armed Conflict Against Organized Crime...
Norway Seeks ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Humanitarian Obligations in Gaza

Norway Seeks ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Humanitarian Obligations in Gaza

Norway Seeks ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel’s Humanitarian Obligations in Gaza Editors’ note: The following post reflects the author’s views and should not be interpreted to reflect the official Norwegian position. Norway is currently seeking support from the UN...
Ukraine Symposium – North Korea’s Entry into International Armed Conflict

Ukraine Symposium – North Korea’s Entry into International Armed Conflict

Ukraine Symposium – North Korea’s Entry into International Armed Conflict In recent months, the world has observed the methodical introduction of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) into the ongoing Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict (IAC). On...
The ICC Palestine Case in the Aftermath of the Arrest Warrants Decisions – Part Two

The ICC Palestine Case in the Aftermath of the Arrest Warrants Decisions – Part Two

The ICC Palestine Case in the Aftermath of the Arrest Warrants Decisions – Part Two On November 21, 2024, the Pre-trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued four decisions dealing with various legal matters arising out of the Prosecutor’s May...