The Forthcoming ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel/Palestine and the Doctrine of Illegal Occupation

The Forthcoming ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel/Palestine and the Doctrine of Illegal Occupation

The Forthcoming ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel/Palestine and the Doctrine of Illegal Occupation On January 9th, 2023, the UN General Assembly requested the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to provide an advisory opinion on two questions. The first concerns the...
Advisory Opinion 2.0: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Returns to The Hague

Advisory Opinion 2.0: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Returns to The Hague

Advisory Opinion 2.0: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Returns to The Hague The United Nations General Assembly Fourth Committee, also known as the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, addresses a range of issues, including matters relating to the...
The Israeli Unlawful Combatants Law Turns Twenty

The Israeli Unlawful Combatants Law Turns Twenty

The Israeli Unlawful Combatants Law Turns Twenty Twenty years ago, in 2002, Israel enacted the Law on Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants (UCL or “the Law”). The UCL aimed to provide a basis in domestic legislation, in conformity with international law, for...
Abu ‘Aram: Displacement of Persons, Displacement of Law

Abu ‘Aram: Displacement of Persons, Displacement of Law

Abu ‘Aram: Displacement of Persons, Displacement of Law On May 4, 2022, Israel’s Supreme Court sitting as High Court of Justice handed down its decision in HCJ 413/13 Abu ‘Aram v. The Minister of Defense. This decision granted the Israeli military authorities...
LOAC and Legitimacy: When Combat Becomes a Supporting Effort to Information

LOAC and Legitimacy: When Combat Becomes a Supporting Effort to Information

LOAC and Legitimacy: When Combat Becomes a Supporting Effort to Information Over the past two decades information was mostly conceptualized as a supporting effort to combat: information contributed to tactical and operational success. Given today’s immediately...