International Law and Intelligence Gathering: Mind the Gaps

International Law and Intelligence Gathering: Mind the Gaps

International Law and Intelligence Gathering: Mind the Gaps Intelligence gathering is a fundamental element of both statecraft and the conduct of hostilities. Its integral role in armed conflict is evident in the Israel intelligence service, the Shin Bet, having...
Israel-Hamas 2024 Symposium – Israel’s Jus ad Bellum and LOAC Obligations and the Evolving Nature of the Conflict

Israel-Hamas 2024 Symposium – Israel’s Jus ad Bellum and LOAC Obligations and the Evolving Nature of the Conflict

Israel-Hamas 2024 Symposium – Israel’s Jus ad Bellum and LOAC Obligations and the Evolving Nature of the Conflict According to the New York Times, some senior American officials have concluded Israel has achieved all it can militarily in the Gaza Strip. It reports...
ISIS Detentions in Syria and the Responsibility of Supporting States

ISIS Detentions in Syria and the Responsibility of Supporting States

ISIS Detentions in Syria and the Responsibility of Supporting States While the world’s attention is focused on the hostilities in Gaza and Ukraine, the conflict against ISIS in Syria and Iraq continues. Although out of the headlines, coalition forces led by the United...
The “Total Defeat” of Hamas and the End of NIAC

The “Total Defeat” of Hamas and the End of NIAC

The “Total Defeat” of Hamas and the End of NIAC Since the onset of the hostilities in Gaza that began on October 7, 2023, Israel has consistently identified the “complete destruction” of the “military and governmental capabilities” of Hamas as one of its principal war...
The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification?

The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification?

The ICC’s Al Hassan Case: A Rejection of the Bilateral Approach to Conflict Classification? On June 26, 2024, Trial Chamber X of the International Criminal Court (ICC) finally delivered its judgment in the Al Hassan case. The defendant, Mr. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul...