Liisi Adamson
| Dec 29, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Emerging Technologies, Interpretation & Development, Law of Armed Conflict, Other Bodies of Law, Policy, State Responsibility, Targeting
Year in Review – 2023 2023 has witnessed not only a continuation of ongoing conflicts, including those in Ukraine and Nagorno-Karabakh, but also the emergence of new hostilities. A notable addition to the global security landscape was the renewed armed conflict...
Rob McLaughlin
| Dec 20, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Other Bodies of Law, Policy, Ukraine-Russia Symposium
Ukraine Symposium – Mine Clearance Operations in the Black Sea In an Articles of War post earlier this year, Ben Rothchild and Mark Jessup addressed the under-appreciated challenges—operational, navigational, and legal—posed by the relatively extensive mine-laying...
Oona Hathaway,
Maggie Mills,
Thomas Poston
| Nov 1, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Cyber, State Responsibility
The Emergence of Collective Countermeasures Editor’s Note: This post is based on a forthcoming article, “War Reparations: The Case for Countermeasures” in the Stanford Law Review, available here. When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, it launched the...
Jeffrey Biller
| Oct 6, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Cyber, Law of Armed Conflict
Limitations on the Strategic Use of Ransomware in Armed Conflicts Editor’s Note: This post is derived from an article-length work published in the U.S. Naval War College’s International Law Studies journal. Attempts to influence public support for armed conflicts...
Milena Sterio,
Jennifer Trahan
| Oct 4, 2023 | AoW Posts, Blog, Cyber
Cyber Operations as Crimes at the International Criminal Court Editors’ Note: The authors co-led a discussion group at the 2023 International Humanitarian Law Roundtable in Chautauqua, New York, on the topic of Cyber Attacks and the Rome Statute. This post reflects...