Use of Force
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – (Not) The Day After in Gaza
Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant contribution his scholarship has made to our understanding of...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – The Separation Between the Jus in Bello and the Jus ad Bellum
Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant contribution his scholarship has made to our understanding of...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – Will the Separation Between Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello Survive the Conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza?
Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant contribution his scholarship has made to our understanding of...
The Department of Defense’s In Extremis Legal Challenges During Modern Warfare
A Department of Defense (DoD) lawyer has for a client an organization with a remarkable number of dilemmas, all of which must be resolved (or at least addressed) lawfully, consistent with the norms and duties of the profession of arms, and in full view of an...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – The San Remo and the Newport Manuals on the Law of Naval Warfare
Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize Professor Dinstein’s work and the significant contribution his scholarship has made to our understanding of...
Retaliation, Retribution, and Punishment and International Law
On April 13, Iran launched a massive missile and drone attack on Israel. Hezbollah and Houthi attacks took place contemporaneously. Israel, alongside forces from France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Jordan, successfully neutralized most of these threats,...
Attacks on Merchant Shipping: Which State Has the Right to Respond in Self-Defence?
On April 13, 2024, Iranian special forces seized the Portuguese flagged MSC Aries near the Strait of Hormuz as it sailed towards the Nhava Sheva port in India. The ship, which contained a predominantly Indian or Filipino crew, was chartered and operated by the...
Collective Self-Defense and the Internationalization of Armed Conflicts in Eastern DRC
Nearly a decade after the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) signed a ceasefire agreement with the March 23 (M23) rebel movement, violence has once again erupted in the North-Kivu province. On December 15, 2023, the Southern African Development Community (SADC)...
Why We Fight Matters to How We Fight
We have all been taught that jus in bello (the law regarding the conduct of war) is a distinct set of rules from jus ad bellum (law regarding resort to force). It is a convenient distinction for many purposes. It is particularly convenient for military lawyers, who...
“On the Brink”: The Geneva Conventions at 75
Editor’s note: The views expressed in this post are those of the author and not necessarily those of the ICRC, HLS PILAC, or other workshop participants. From March 12-13, 2024, Harvard Law School’s Program on International Law and Armed Conflict (PILAC), the...
Regulating Military Force Series – The Meaning of Prohibited “Use of Force” in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter
Editors’ note: The author delivered remarks on the subject of this post at the conference “International Law and the Regulation of Resort to Force: Exhaustion, Destruction, Rebirth?” at the Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law, Palacký University...
Regulating Military Force Series – A UK Perspective on the Use of Force and the UN Security Council
Editors’ note: The author delivered remarks on the subject of this post at the conference “International Law and the Regulation of Resort to Force: Exhaustion, Destruction, Rebirth?” at the Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law, Palacký University...