Articles of War

The Presumption of Civilian Status in Cases of Doubt: A Vital Rule in Increasingly Unsettled Times
Editors’ note: This post is drawn from the authors’ article-length work, “Pro patria mori: When States Encourage Civilian Involvement in Armed Conflict” appearing in the International Review of the Red Cross. The price armed conflict demands is human life, and...
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Reconceptualizing Norm Conflict in International Law
Editor’s Note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work, “Reconceptualizing Norm Conflict in International Law,” recently published...
The International Criminal Court’s DPH Misinterpretation in Lubanga
Editor’s Note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work, “Reuniting ‘Active’ and ‘Direct’ Participation: The International Criminal...
The EWIPA Declaration and U.S. Efforts to Minimize Civilian Harm
From April 22-24, 2024, representatives from more than 90 countries met in Norway for the Oslo Conference on the Political Declaration, the first...
Arming U.S. Navy Hospital Ships?
Is it time to rethink how U.S. Navy hospital ships are armed? Recent naval warfare in the Red and Black Seas highlights the potential vulnerability...
Caltrop: An Ancient Weapon in Modern Warfare
Recent reports indicate that Ukraine has modified drones to deliver and disperse a weapon of ancient design in its fight against Russia. The weapon,...
Ukraine Symposium – Russia’s Use of Riot Control Agents in Ukraine
Russian forces are reportedly using non-lethal chemical weapons known as riot control agents (RCA) to flush combatants out of trenches in eastern...
The War Crime of Starvation – The Irony of Grasping at Low Hanging Fruit
Rumours surrounding possible International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants in the Situation in the State of Palestine have raised several...
Cyber Attack War Crimes and Ntaganda
Editor’s note: This post is based on a portion of the author’s work, “Addressing Unlawful Cyber Operations in Armed Conflict Through Human Rights...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – (Not) The Day After in Gaza
Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize...
In Honor of Yoram Dinstein – The Separation Between the Jus in Bello and the Jus ad Bellum
Editors’ note: This post is part of a series to honor Professor Yoram Dinstein, who passed away on Saturday February 10, 2024. These posts recognize...
The Battle of Peleliu
Due to the generosity of donors, the United States Military Academy Department of Law offers cadets the opportunity to learn about war crimes by...
National Security Memorandum 20 and the Challenge of Operational End-Use Monitoring
Today, May 8, was the deadline for the Departments of Defense (DoD) and State to answer tough questions about how U.S. supplied weapons are being...