Articles of War

Ukraine Symposium – Sunk in Battle but the War is Not Over: Who Owns the Moskva Now?
The study of underwater cultural heritage, and that of sunken warships, has typically focussed on the legal protections surrounding a site in the years, or often centuries, after the sinking. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has given cause to study the topic in a more...
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Indo-Pacific Legal Topics for Operational Lawyers
The year 2024 was a time of increasing instability for global security. The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has resurrected the specter of a...
Dilemmas of Defense: The U.S. Role in the Iran-Israel Conflict
On April 13, 2024, the Islamic Republic of Iran carried out an unprecedented operation, launching hundreds of drones and cruise missiles toward...
If the “Why” of War Shapes the “How” of Law, Who is Accountable?
The ongoing armed conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza illustrate the dangerous consequences of conflating jus ad bellum and jus in bello. This conflation...
Ukraine Symposium – “Public Curiosity” and the North Korean POWs
The Russia-Ukraine international armed conflict, which started with Russia’s takeover of Crimea in 2014 and grew with its full-scale invasion of...
Beyond Compliance Symposium – Broadening the Lens: Rethinking Civilian Harm within International Humanitarian Law
Editors’ note: This post forms part of the Beyond Compliance Symposium: How to Prevent Harm and Need in Conflict, featured across Articles of War...
When Technology Meets Humanity: Harnessing New and Emerging Technologies at the End of Conflict
New and emerging technologies offer significant contributions toward facilitating the end of conflict and protecting and easing the effects of...
Ukraine Symposium – The Budapest Memorandum’s History and Role in the Conflict
Last month of 2024 marked the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Budapest Memorandum, part of an agreement by which Ukraine gave up its nuclear...
Israel’s Actions in Syria and the Outer Limits of Self-Defence
Following the fall of the al-Assad regime in Syria, Israel carried out a series of airstrikes across Syria targeting military facilities, weapons...
The Drone Threat, the Laser Response, and the Law – Part II
The first part of this two-part post, described and explained the weapons law principles and rules that apply to suicide or kamikaze drones. It also...
The Drone Threat, the Laser Response, and the Law – Part I
In conflicts during the last few years, unmanned air weapons, commonly referred to as drones, have increasingly been used to undertake attacks of...
Common Article 2 and Non-State Reciprocity in the Law of Armed Conflict
Editors’ note: This post is an abbreviated version of an article appearing in the Emory International Law Review Volume 39 (2025). When the States...
Year Ahead – Gearing Up for Possible Naval Conflict
Editors’ note: We are pleased to announce that Articles of War has recently added several thematic editors to our staff. Each editor has contributed...