Articles of War

The New Crime of Kinocide
Editors’ note: This post is based on the work of The Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes Against Women and Children and its report “Kinocide: Uncovering the Weaponization of Families on October 7, 2023.” On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a concerted and widespread...
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The ICC Palestine Case in the Aftermath of the Arrest Warrants Decisions – Part Two
On November 21, 2024, the Pre-trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued four decisions dealing with various legal matters...
The Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire: A Least Worst Option
Editors’ note: The author has also addressed this subject on The Conversation. It is welcome news that a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah has...
Joint Operations in the Legal Environment: A Framework for Legal Competition, Expanded Maneuver, and Deterrence
This post introduces the concept of joint operations in the legal environment (OLE) and argues that the Department of Defense (DoD) should implement...
The Baltic Sea Cable-Cuts and Ship Interdiction: The C-Lion1 Incident
According to widely held Russian perceptions, Russia is at war with NATO. In September 2024, Vladimir Putin stated that lifting restrictions on...
Vessels of War
How can vessels be used in war? Are rights and obligations vested in armed forces personnel or in the naval platforms themselves? Combatancy in land...
The Evolving Interpretation of the Use of Force in Cyber Operations: Insights from State Practices
Editors’ note: This post is drawn from the author’s article-length work with Professor Michael Schmitt, “Cyberspace and the Jus ad Bellum: The State...
The ICC Palestine Case in the Aftermath of the Arrest Warrants Decisions – Part One
On November 21, 2024, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued four decisions. These deal with various legal matters...
Mind the Gap: The COIN Hangover & DoD’s New Policy to Protect Civilians on the Battlefield
The Department of Defense (DoD) recently released a bold new policy, a DoD Instruction titled “Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response,” that aims to...
NATO Interoperability When Targeting Indispensable Objects
A recent Lieber Paper strikes an optimistic note concerning legal interoperability, arguing that the dissimilarities stemming from uneven treaty...
Beyond Compliance Symposium – Towards the Full Protection of Civilians
Editors’ note: This post forms part of the Beyond Compliance Symposium: How to Prevent Harm and Need in Conflict, featured across Articles of War...
Ukraine Symposium – Ukraine, International Law, and Humanitarian Intervention
Responses to States that commit atrocities against their own people have long eluded international law. Some have pinned hopes on the concept of...
Article 9 and the Attribution of Armed Groups’ Attacks to the Territorial State
The ongoing conflicts between Israel, Hamas, and Hezbollah continue to raise complex questions of international law. Some of these involve issues of...